When I was about twenty-five, I had a dear neighbor who had just retired and took the time to teach me how to plant and care for hybrid tea roses. After that, he always referred to me as “a fellow rosarian.” Hybrid teas are in disfavor now, but my favorite in George’s garden was “Bewitched,” and it remains a favorite of mine today. He helped me plant one in my first garden, and I have one now, although it was hard to find for my present garden. I never prune, spray, rub off aphids with my bare hands, or wait for those first huge pink blooms that I do not think of George. Now, most of my other roses are growing on their own roots and not grafted, and I always choose unusual colors with eccentric fragrances. But every spring, I wait for this old favorite to bloom with its traditional rose perfume and big pink petals — traditional and reliable like George.
That’s a good story 🙂