Not me!
And the beans!
. . . wake up with a smile on your face.
I think a good number of people in my age-group have grandchildren — Jeeze! — probably great-grands! My children have all blessed my lives with their dogs — my grand-dogs. Two of them are spending the summer with me, with a third popping in from time to time, and we are having such a good time. Along with Roxie, my own excellent companion, they seem to enjoy, according to size, age, and ability, the same things I do: jumping in the river, riding in the kayak, running at the dog park, walking to town and around the neighborhood, napping in the garden, eating regular meals, snuggling in a pile. Not a one ever expresses boredom, needs entertaining, or turns up a cold, wet nose at whatever food is offered. It’s all good.
Count your blessings. Name them one by one.