And these are in no particular order. Some of these costumes might not even have been for Halloween. We had a big costume box that we added to over the years. By the time Mary-Margaret was looking through it, she had a lot of choices, but, as often not, she came up with an original plan. To this day, she comes up with the most amazing costumes, for herself and for horses!
The Four Horses Of the Apocalypse ride across central Oregon:
I don’t ever remember buying a costume.
There were lots of visits to the pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay.
What an amazing smile! Classic seven-year-old.
Lots of costume parades at North School
Episcopal Day School witches
World’s blondest gypsy:
At least a couple of years are not represented here. A picture of Katherine as a pumpkin at ten-months of age seems to be missing. We’ll find that one. And one year, I remember distinctly NOT taking a picture of Elizabeth. She wanted to “surprise me” and came out of her room in an amazing get-up with make up done by Katherine. I asked her what she was and she said “a movie star,” but, trust me, she was a total Ho! I was glad her father was away on a trip that night. What fun times! Tonight I’m going to open my door dressed up as an old woman. That means I won’t need to change a thing 🙂