Faux Thanksgiving


Katherine and Mary-Margaret have been here for a few days.  As always, dogs, food, and word games played a big part.  When Katherine arrived, Mary-Margaret was in Portland dancing the night away.  That gave Auntie Kate a chance to get acquainted with Mr. Blue and to show him how to play Scrabble on the iPad.

Meg arrived during the wee hours and brought VooDoo donuts for breakfast.

No, I did not eat the one with sprinkles on top!  Why do you ask?

Relaxing in the snug:

Here you can see that Meg has a bit of a protuberance on her neck.  We consulted just a few medical specialists while she was here.  It was decided to treat it with antibiotics for a few weeks to reduce swelling before attempting amputation.

Soon we were off to some of our favorite places, Burgerville in Monmouth was at  the top of the list.

The November specialties are sweet-potato fries with chiplote mayo and pumpkin smoothies.
Is that a Tillamook cheese burger with pepper bacon?
Then off to Trader Joe’s to shop for our faux dinner.
At home the next day doing a little faux cooking
No one can remember for sure what I was saying here, but numerous captions have been suggested.
Best suggestion so far, from a dear old friend and superb cook,
“Since when do you not eat turkey!?”
 Actually, I remember when one or two offspring did not and I offered a product called “Foturkey.”  Now that was faux!  Now, so long as our dead bird was treated humanely up to the very last minute,  I get no objections.  This year’s had been pre-brined by Trader Joe and it was very moist, tasty, and not a bit salty.
And our Faux Thanksgiving dinner was delicious.  Nothing faux about the good time we had.
Some activities were not documented.  Kate and I enjoyed our traditional antique/junk store exploration searching for “mid-century treasures.”  She flew home early Monday morning in time to get to work.  Next night,  MM and I were enchanted by the new film “Cloud Atlas.”
 We saw it at the Cinebarre downtown where they serve you dinner during the show.  Food was just passable; film was amazing.  Too much to take in with one viewing.  What made it especially fun that there were so many people there.  Too often these days,  you sit in the movies all by yourself.  But this was $5.00 Tuesday!
Yesterday, Meg flew home to Maui, back to work today at Ironwood Ranch, and things are back to normal here at 1880, just Roxie, Blue, Kobe, Rosie, and the leftovers — and me, already in a holiday mood.

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