Merry Election Day!

This is Joannie’s favorite day.  Here she is voting early this morning with one of her own students volunteering at the polls:

My sister has taught political science to generations of students in the town where she grew up, at the high school she attended.   I wonder how many of them are informed voters today because of her love and enthusiasm for our democratic republic.  Yesterday she posted the following. She makes me very proud.

“I love politics! I love elections! But what I love even more, is sharing that excitement and teaching those ideals to my students. We have studied all the platforms, learned how the Electoral College works. Tomorrow, my students are working at polling sites all over town and tomorrow night coloring red and blue maps. Today, one of my students said, ” Ms. Capshaw, I think you like elections more than you like Christmas.” I think that he is right. It is my country’s gift to me. So, when you wake up on Wednesday morning, whether you are on the winning side or the losing side, celebrate the process. MERRY ELECTION DAY!”

Greeting students outside her classroom door.  Now go out and choose one!

We think our future depends on men like these, but it really rests with young men and women like these:

And on to November

Definitely time to empty this over-flowing October rain gauge.  Normal rainfall for October is 3.03″.  This year:  5.92, so they say.

Kobe and I have witnessed a lot of seasonal changes over the years and we both know what falling leaves portend.

This is the view from my bedroom window.  The Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum) holds on to its beautiful leaves longer than the other trees.