We are so lucky to have a huge leash-free dog park near by. The entire park along the river is officially Minto-Brown Island Park. Farmer MInto and Farmer Brown used to farm the un-treed areas. And it used to be an island. The river shifted its course. It’s no longer an island and the farm lands have been restored to their natural state, now a wildlife preserve, with miles of hiking, biking, and walking trails. I sometimes put my kayak in near there for a short paddle in the slough. I commonly refer to it as “The Minto.” Whenever I say that out loud, Roxie’s whole body begins to wag. It’s a very congenial meet-up place for dog lovers. In December, some of the humans decorate some of the bushes and little trees. I especially like this one:
Fun stuff, Jean. And if you like Tommy Lee Jones, presumably you’ve seen him in Lincoln. Priceless!