One year we lived in a little Virginia gown called Great Bridge and went to a tiny Episcopal church there called St. Thomas. I sang in the tiny choir where the volunteer choirmaster was an old farmer who came to rehearsals in his Levis and boots. Garland had the unusual hobby of making poured ceramic objects. For my birthday, he gave me a set of three geese. For Christmas, he made a really large set of nativity characters and sold it at the holiday bazaar. I bought it mostly because I was so fond of Garland. It hadn’t been out of the box since we lived in San Mateo. After church today, I decided to look for it among the boxes of stuffed animals, dust bunnies, equestrian and other outdoor gear in the attic. I wanted to put the Magi on the table for the up-coming Epiphany season.
The many pieces were carefully wrapped and packed in lots of old bags, both plastic and paper. Anyone out there remember patronizing these shops many years ago? and when San Mateo was in the 415?
Happy donuts!!!!!!!