No Resolutions

I don’t make resolutions.  I’m just not a very resolute sort of person.  I was when I was a girl, but now I’m just more of a flibbertygibbet.  I think that’s a lot less annoying to other people than being a goody-two-shoes.  I did my time as a goody-two-shoes and I’m done with that, not that I have plans to do anything particularly outrageous in the new year as of now.  My Filoxfax is not completely filled in yet

Nevertheless, 2013 will be my seventieth year, so there are some things I admit I am pretty resolute (read “set in my ways”) about.  I do not attend meetings.  They make me crazy.  I do not wear uncomfortable clothing.  I do not listen to sermons for more than ten minutes.  I do not finish a book just because I started it.  I walk out of a movie if I don’t like it.  I do not give my time to projects that do not have my heart. I really have no time to waste.  If I ever have the opportunity, I want to have time to stand in front of a crazy man with an Uzi who is set on slaughtering little children.  I am resolute that, in such a case, seventy years would be enough. Six would not.

So, although I do not make resolutions, I do adopt a special personal goal for each new year.  For 2012 it was to have a heart full of gratitude.  I think gratitude is different from being thankful, though I do have a lot to be thankful for.  But thankfulness seems to suggest that I am indebted for things and that I need to say thanks for them.  Gratitude is a much freer, happier thing,

Turns out, having a grateful heart is a really cool way to start the day.  Every morning when I put my feet on the floor, I feel gratitude that most of my extremities seem to be working.  Same thing when I look out the window as I am brushing my teeth and see that a humming bird is wintering over at my feeder.  Same thing when I smell the coffee cooking down in the kitchen and two or three dogs come padding in for their kibble. At the end of the day, no matter where I have been or how nice a time I had there, I always have a heart full of gratitude when I pull into the driveway and open the automatic door and I am home.

Still, as I am nearly seventy, it’s not all rainbows and lollipops and working extremities, and that’s what makes me appreciate everything that is.

It’s almost midnight and I have chosen something new to focus on for 2013 but I’m not going to give up this heart full of gratitude. How can I when I am all snuggled in here warm and clean and fed and safe?  Happy New Year.



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