On this date in 1970, I became a mother. Here is the first picture we saw of our beautiful daughter, taken a couple of weeks before we got to bring her home.
I had spent the previous weeks making these eyelet curtains shot with pink ribbons and found this antique basinet at a junk store. I painted it and lined it. Her room was all ready for her.
So this is our house and I am your mom. I hope that’s all right with you.
This whole business was pretty exhausting, so a nap was next on the agenda. Cousin Rosemary had crocheted this soft blankie and it became her favorite. She still has it.
Soon it was time to get dressed up and go to church for a proper naming: Katherine Miller Urbanski.
And people came from a long way away to meet her. Here are four generations.
Katherine was called Kate in the family, for her great-grandmother — Maud Kate Miller Harrison, on whose lap she sits here.
January 19 has always been an official holiday in this family.
So sweet!!
Still have the blankie and the giant forehead!!!
AS you can see in the picture of me with the big hair, you somehow got your beautiful forehead from me!!
You too!
Loved the photo with your mom and Aunt Maude. Thanks!
Wonderful pictures! Thanks for posting.