What a nice day!

And what a nice young man!  It doesn’t take much to make an old woman happy.  I wanted to get some base-line pictures of my hips and have an orthopedist take a look at them.  One of the things on my to-do list as I turn seventy.  And, if I ever need an orthopedist, I want to be an “established patient.”  It can take forever around here to get in to see an orthopedist if you aren’t already on his patient list.  So, I had the x-rays taken this morning and met with the doctor.  I liked him right away, and that was before he paid me just about the nicest compliment I have ever received.  He and I were standing front of the computer monitor studying my x-rays. He pointed to the socket and said, “Those are just about the most beautiful hips I have ever seen.”  I burst out laughing and said,”No one has ever said anything nice about my hips before.  And without missing a beat he said, “Well, some poor fool definitely missed his opportunity.”

But seriously folks, it is good to know I have good-looking  bones and joints.

hip ap(1)

And it’s good to know how the one-way streets work in this town!


Got out of the orthopedist’s just in time to dash back to the Hallie Ford to hear my friend and neighbor, the glass artist Janet Neuburg, a docent there, lead a gallery tour and talk, again on the Izquierdo works.

A piece of Janet’s Glass


I loved learning more about Izquierdo.


But even more, I loved that I knew a number of people in the group, from lots of different places — the neighborhood, The Courthouse, Chemawa, my literary discussion group, church, my lunch bunch.  It takes a long time to feel connected in a community.  I have lived here now for over sixteen years.  I feel connected.  It’s a really good feeling. Right up there with being told you have beautiful bones.

One thought on “What a nice day!

  1. Those really are fantastic! – at least from this view. That’s a pretty funky exposure to my untrained eye. I’m so glad you’re healthy and found a good doc!

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