I have used up the last of my favorite soap! When I was in Italy in 2005, I took the train from Florence to Lucca one day with Deb. It is an ancient, walled town, home to Pinocchio and Puccini. I made a couple of small errors which really only added to the richness of the experience. I spent a long time looking for the labyrinth at the duomo so I could walk it, only to discover that it was a tiny thing carved into a pillar in the portico wall that one could only “walk” with one’s finger.
Then, at lunch time I made a mistake in thinking that something listed under the salads as insalata vitello di tonnato would be a tuna salad but it was not. It was veal with a bit of cold tuna sauce. I don’t normally eat babies. I ate it. I always make nice in foreign countries. Besides, everything in Italy is delizioso.
But later, I ventured in to a shop which sold all sorts of cleaning products for ordinary use, and not normally frequented by tourists. Housewives were picking up Comet, Tilex, Clorox, bath soap. I came across some soap in brown paper, oddly called “Marseille,” but apparently, as I have since learned, is only available in ordinary shops in Italy. My friend searched in vain for it when she was living in France. I bought a box of it on the spot that day. It smelled so good even through the wrapping paper. It cost practically nothing. I just used up my last bar.
If you know anyone who is going to Italy any time soon, I would like to send for another box. I’ll pay.