I have this fantasy that at the equinox, everything is, for just a moment, in perfect balance, and the earth pauses there motionless for just a moment and sighs “ahhhhh.” I understand that here, this year, that magic moment will occur at precisely 4:23 a.m. I’m not sure how we know that but I am sure that I will miss it, so I decided to begin my vernal celebration today.
This “Daylight Map” is one of my favorite sites. On solstices, the dark and light areas have very curved shapes. At the equinoxes, they are straight up and down:
I snapped a picture out my upstairs east window this morning as the sun rose precisely in the east behind my neighbor’s cedar tree. It does this every equinox.
I took Kobe over to the Oregon State Capitol Mall for his annual photo shoot with the cherry blossoms. Handsome boy.
“Welcome, sweet springtime, we greet thee in song” — and you greet us with “a host of golden daffodils.” (I guess these lines just lurk forever in the dark recesses of my mind where they were instilled in grade school.)