Innocent or stupid?

There has been a lot of discussion since we saw The Quiet Man last week about how young girls of my generation grew up having been tricked into believing some very wrong ideas about sexual relationships. Men were strong, commanding, controlling, abusive, if you will, and that was all depicted as being acceptable.  In The Quiet Man, John Wayne actually dragged Maureen O’Hara over hill and dale and threw her on the bed, and this is not presented as brutal, abusive or in any way unacceptable in that milieu.  But that is not my point.  My point is that we never guessed what happened when the camera panned up or faded to black at the crucial moment and the music rose.  (I actually did not figure out the crux of The African Queen until I re-saw it as an adult, having first seen it when I was eight.)  I have to wonder if I am the only one who was just a little disappointed to learn that there would be no music and my hair was going to get all messed up.




One thought on “Innocent or stupid?

  1. I am so sorry that hair gets messed up in such a situation. I actually laughed when I read your blog. I thought that was rather a predictable comment but it still made me laugh. We rarely actually experience what we build ourselves up to expect. I was a bit disappointed when I saw “Ole Faithful” for the first time but it was still worth sitting there for an hour to see what it did.

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