One cool mama!



My mother lives alone in her own home.  She will turn ninety this summer.  Now, I do not normally go to my front door if I am not expecting invited visitors.  I am generally just too disheveled and unexpected knocks on the door send my dogs into doberman mode. But Mother is from a different generation, and not answering her door would seem inhospitable  to her.  Nevermind that nowadays it takes her a bit of time to get out of her chair and maneuver her walker down a couple of hallways.

She has been repeatedly visited in recent months by a team of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Now, Mother, like most of us, has her own religious views and see’s no reason to change them at this point and has no interest in discussing them with strangers in long skirts or suits and ties, very eccentric apparel for Pecos, Texas.  She has asked them repeatedly not to return.  She called their meeting house and made the same strong appeal, to no avail.

Yesterday as she was just getting dressed after her shower, she looked out her window and saw these folks coming up her walkway once again.  She went right to the door and opened it — in her bra and panties.  I bet it worked.  I am sorry to report that no pictures were taken.  This will have to do:



One thought on “One cool mama!

  1. Did you hear the one about the Jehovah’s Witness who tried to tell a joke? He never got to deliver his punchline because when he said “Knock, knock?” everyone just ignored him.

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