Once a year in April, I take the copper molds off the wall and polish them. It’s been at the top of my list all month. Last night, I took a picture of them so I can get them back up in order. I set out the rubber gloves and polish. I put on my work clothes early this morning. And then I watched the sun rise out my east window. Well, at least I have a picture to post. I keep wishing they would just turn that nice verdigris color.
I did get right out in the garden and got some things done. Then I sat down in the new/old Adirondack chairs Roxanne gave me and read an article in Sierra magazine that Jim Sellers gave me about the dwindling Rio Grande. I so wish I had kayaked there back in the day. This article is followed by an article picturing some great new “wet goods.” I am longing for that carbon paddle from Adventure Technology. My carbon paddle went missing a couple of seasons back. I can’t quite remember if it was on the Gunnison or on the Uncompahgre. I do remember that it was a really unforgettable day.
Regarding yesterday’s post regarding the odd obituary, Elizabeth sent a radio link to a This American Life broadcast with a possible explanation. We are outsourcing everything!
Now, back out to the garden. Rubbing the “new” chairs with some gray stain to make them look even older just went to the top of the list. Glad the rubber gloves are all laid out.