It’s summertime in the Willamette Valley

The other day after paddling from Green’s Bridge to the rest stop on I-5, Dave and I stopped off at our favorite farmer’s field produce stand.  The peach orchard is out by the main road and you can smell the peaches if you put your windows down.  I was looking to buy some beets and found some interesting golden ones.  Brought them home.  Rubbed them with olive oil and salt.  ( Nowadays, I believe you are supposed to say “extra virgin olive oil and sea salt.”  The phrase “extra virgin” always makes me smile.)  Put them in a really hot oven for a little while.  Peeled them and sliced them up, along with a Walla Walla onion, not extra virgin.  Put in some white balsamic, more olive oil, more salt.  Let them sit around for a while. Ate the whole bowlful in one sitting.  That last part, I do not recommend so much.  Otherwise   .  .  .  DSCN0172

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