It’s a Special Birthday!

Elizabeth Louise Harrison was born in Kenefic, Oklahoma, at home, on Saturday, August 11, 1923, at 7:30 p.m., in this house:

photo Dr. R. P. Dickey was in attendance as were her mother (naturally), Maud Kate Miller Harrison:


and her father, Raymond William Harrison:


She was a beautiful baby.


A beautiful child.


A beautiful  young woman.


A beautiful bride.


And here she is, celebrating 90 years, as beautiful as ever.



Through the years, I have learned a great many things from my mother, some big things, some little things and, in the way of most motherly teachings, some were a matter of do as I say and not as I do.  Some were confusing. Some of them are very good ideas that I use every day.  Some of them I never quite grasped the point of but I did them anyway.  This is only a partial list.

1.  Always keep a pleasant expression on your face.

2.  Always act nice.

3.  Always think of the other person.

4.  Always sit with your knees and feet together.

5.  Don’t tug at your clothes.

6.  Don’t fiddle with your hair or face.

7.  Pull your shoulders back.

8.  Act like a lady.

9.  Keep the curtains/blinds/shutters on your front windows all nice and even.

10. Always check under the toilet lid to make sure it’s spotless. Spruce it up with a bit of toilet tissue if necessary.

11. If you’re in a hurry, just dust the tops of things.

12. Don’t laugh too loudly.

13. Memorize the arithmetic facts. They will never change.  9 x 7 is still 63.

14.  Hold your pencil correctly.

15. Take your time.

16.  Hurry up.

As I said, this is only a partial list.

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