Like everyone, I pretty much hate dialing those customer service numbers. Tapping through the menu options. Never really finding one that exactly suits. Waiting on hold. (Thank god for headsets and multitasking.) Finally speaking with a really very nice person in some Far East country who most sincerely wants to help. The accent often proves difficult. The phone begins to need recharging and so do I.
Online chatting with customer service personnel is my new favorite thing! You can chat/type on for hours with perfect understanding. It was time for me to tell AT&T that my contract with them was up and that I was being courted by others. Archie was very helpful. I have no way of knowing what his real name is, but he knows absolutely everything about me. I played the elderly card early on and ended up with a great plan and a brand new iPhone for free! Phone was delivered right away. I took it and my lap top over to my neighborhood AT&T store for help from Angel setting it all up quick as a wink. Tweaked my plan just a bit to add insurance and sell them my old phone. Added cool tones to signal when I get calls, texts, and emails. Bought an impressive water proof shock proof cover.
I am giving serious thought to canceling my land line.
Very cool. I have seen my “kids” throw their phone into the pool with this kind of case. Swimming and texting at the same time.
Now that is multi-tasking. I mean multi-texting.