The Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi

It was a dog party over at St. P’s last Sunday.  It was a huge celebration for all in attendance, although, I do hope if some folks were visiting for the first time they are animal lovers.  Otherwise, they will be off to another parish next Sunday.

Roxie had had a bath the night before and was generally being her usual well-behaved if high-spirited self until she spotted her good friend Lizzie Miller going down the side aisle with Susan.  She pulled her leash out of my hand and dashed out for a greeting.  There was nothing for it but to sit together during the service and to go for a walk in Bush Park during communion.

All the music and the sermon were appropriate. During the sermon, whenever a dog barked,  the preacher responded with “and peace be with you.”

I thought the offertory anthem which was sung by our littlest choristers was just right:

Today we celebrate a feast, a holiday for man and beast.

We think of every friend who speaks, barks, and purrs and roars and squeaks.  

As we sing, we keep in mind beings of a different kind.

Bless all creatures here below, Lord, from whom all blessings flow.  

Together with our pets we meet new friends with whiskers, tails that greet.  

Muzzles wet beside our cheek show us love they cannot speak.  

Hold them tight so they will know, where we are, they too will go.

 Bless all creatures here below, Lord from whom all blessings flow.

Lord, here beside our friends we stand, their earthly care within our hand.

Watching those we hold so dear, we can feel your presence near. 

When we come at last to you, let our creatures be there, too.

Bless all creatures here below, Lord, from whom all blessings flow.

Of course, the hope that these, our very best, truest, and most faithful companions might be with us later on is thought, by some, to be heresy.  I don’t very much like folks who are so sure of such things, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be where these folks are later on.  You tell me who are the only sinless ones in God’s creation, the ones who are in no need of redemption.

Dogs and cats were blessed at St. P’s on Sunday.  They bless us every day of their lives.


(photo credit Jim Sellers) 



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