I love my country. I will have a heart full of gratitude every day of my life that it is mine. It’s a lot like having relatives who sometimes make choices that disappoint or embarrass us. I will love them forever and be so glad they are mine in spite of everything.
I often joke when I am traveling in a foreign country that it is just safer upon meeting people to say one is from Saskatoon. I can pull that off. I have been to a Timbers game and can sing “O, Canada” with gusto. No one much chews out a Canadian.
You really have to be there to understand this particular rite.
Switzerland is another country I often admire. Here we have strong lobbies on both sides of a universal military draft and weaponry. This week Switzerland voted overwhelmingly to continue compulsory military service. Every male citizen — I know this is sexist. Switzerland did not enfranchise women until 1971, for heaven’s sake! So things are not perfect in Heidi-land either. But I digress. — Every man between eighteen and thirty-four goes through basic training and then keeps a uniform and a weapon, but no ammo, at home in a closet, ready for action. Last time they saw any was in 1798 when Napoleon invaded. I wonder whether they look like the guards at the Vatican.
I could never fake being Swiss. Like most Americans, I am mono-lingual for the most part. The patriarch of the family next door is Swiss and I sometimes get to speak my school-girl French with him. Of course, he is also fluent in English, German, and Italian. I am jealous. I am also jealous of their three-generation family all together in one house. They are the most cheerful family I know. Sometimes, I fantasize about daughters who live in Portland or Bend or about Joannie and Terri and Mother all moving into 1880 with me. I have even thought that we would rent one of those storage units for the jet skis over there by the river. But I digress.