Fall Finds

Went paddling yesterday afternoon along the Santiam to the confluence with the Willamette and down to BV, mostly to look for fall color. IMG_0631

We found plenty, but first we found over a dozen of these styrofoam parcels at various locations along the north bank of the Santiam.


We felt that if they had a legitimate scientific purpose, they should be labeled.  They were not.  When the river rises with the coming rains, they will be washed downstream and into the Willamette.  Styrofoam is a major problem in waterways, so, Jim, my faithful paddling buddy, sent this shot off to the Willamette Riverkeeper with questions.  I usually collect any litter I come upon while kayaking.  There is amazing little.  Oregonians are just not litterbugs. Having seen an explosive episode of Doc Martin the night before, I left these where they were.

Came back to find that my cherished gingko had changed into her fall attire in my absence.


Indian Summer seems to be holding on for another week or so, so I am heading back on the river this afternoon. Who knows what else I may find.  I think we will be paddling dangerously close to a Burgerville.


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