
Sometimes Susan and I notice each other’s birthdays.  Sometimes not.  I had the perfect card for her on my desk all week and forgot to mail it.  Then I lost the envelope, so I emailed her to ask if we could go out to lunch today.  She suggested instead that we take the dogs and hike up to Shellberg Falls.  Perfect plan!  The Valley was socked in, but it was all sunshine up there.


The Little Falls


Susan brought treats.


Saw lots of mushrooms.


Shellberg Falls


Stopped off on the way home at Macleay Country Inn.


And shared the world’s best cheeseburger and fries.



Happy birthday, Susan.  Another perfect day.

4 thoughts on “Birthdays

  1. Practically perfect! Since treats played a part, Roxie thought is was absolutely perfect. Then she and Lizzie napped in the Subaru while Susan and I chowed down.

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