The big news this morning in the Statesman Journal, our daily Salem newspaper, is a good illustration of how this little city is really a small town, and I like that. Wyoming is playing Boise State tonight. There is an article with pictures of both team’s quarterbacks because they are both local boys. The game is so late that the Sunday edition of the paper will go to press before the game is over and the SJ is apologetic that the game news will not be in the Sunday paper, but it will be posted on their website. My neighbors across the street were planning to skip the trip to the game this weekend to cheer for their grandson, the Cowboy quarterback. They changed their minds and called to ask if I could bring in their mail and papers because they couldn’t resist and were heading out through the beautiful gorge for Boise. I know that route very well. It always takes me twice as long as it should because I stop so many times to look at things. I’ve always been a small town girl.
I have been at that exact spot and it is inspiring to say the least. I enjoy being in a state which actually has water, and apparently lots of it. We have little of that commodity in Texas. We do, however, have unobstucted views and if one is in the western part of our state you can see mountains. Rarely any snow.
Well, I believe you do have the incredibly beautiful, warm Gulf of Mexico practically right out your door — and you can get brisket for a good price. 🙂