Winterizing Comes to the Willamette Valley

Gorgeous sunny day here.  Looks like a good day for kayaking until one takes a look at the temp:



When I went out to greet the Handsome Man, I could see that after faithfully measuring the November precip, he was sitting in an icy pond.



Luckily, Miguel came yesterday and winterized the sprinkler system and I put those styrofoam thingies on the outdoor faucets.  And today my other man is coming to clean the leaves out of the gutters.  I have always done this myself, but one of my neighbors suggested last year that I probably should not be climbing up on tall ladders. Good advice.


I will be out there though.  I can spray the moss on the driveway. It is so beautiful, I hate to murder it, but it is very slippery.


The trees are bare now, but there are still plenty of leaves to compost.  After that, the next outdoor task will be to deck the holly in her holiday attire.  Got her some new LED lights this year.


A Christmas Sweater Story

One holiday season not many years ago, I was shopping (you know where) for my traditional black turtle neck.  Nearby, was a rack of those holiday sweaters that you or I would never wear, but an elderly woman was looking through them.  Her husband was standing next to her and she asked him,”Do you think this one would look nice on Ruthie.”  Without missing a beat, he replied, “Yes, I do, but I think it would look really pretty on you.”  Just warmed my heart to be in the presence of such a man.

On a much less-charming note, you could be certain that some company would take the awful Christmas sweater to the next step with the following, which I spotted this morning:IMG_0729
