Strawberries mulched. Check. Raspberries pruned. Check. Dogs vaccinated. Check. Gutters cleaned. Check. Tires rotated. Check. Everything in the refrigerator past its sell-by date tossed. Check. You know, I really thought I would use up that Major Grey’s chutney. Tabasco lasts longer than most marriages. And just didn’t like the fig marmalade someone brought me from Turkey. Jars ready for the recycling bin. Check and happy new year to me!
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Look both directions.
A good way to get ready for the new year is to give a little thought to the last one. 2013 has been rich and blessed for me. When I tried to decide on the one best thing, what popped right into my mind was my wonderful birthday trip to the Bay Area. Every minute of it was special. I got to stay with Katherine in her special place.
I loved walking around her beautiful neighborhood while she was at work.
I guess it’s a mother-thing, but I just love to be able to picture my daughters in their places. Then she had planned so many special things for me. As always, food played a part.
including a picnic on a favorite beach.
I got to spend time in favorite old places and with dear old friends too.
Turning 70 was so very nice and 2013 has been a very good year. I can’t wait to see what 2014 will bring!
And thank you again, Phil.
It’s always a surprise to see what the Ducks will be wearing. All season, it was something new and amazing every week. Well, actually, I didn’t much like it the week they looked like lemon cupcakes with yellow bottoms and white tops. They lost that game. They look very fierce when they wear green so dark it’s black and helmets that look like chrome. Here’s what they’ll be wearing for the Alamo Bowl on Monday. Apparently, they drew the “white option” and their opponents get to wear their school colors. Frankly, I see a lot of Oregon green going on here.
Those helmets are scaring me. I don’t know how you manage not to get a crick in your neck just holding your head up. If uniforms can win the day, Ducks will have no problem. My problem will be staying awake for the Tech Game which follows. I don’t actually have anything in U of O colors to wear, but I do have a Red Raider shirt I’ll be changing into. later in the day.