Let it snow!

Woke up this beautiful December 6 morning, the Feast Day of St. Nicholas, to find snow beginning to fall on the holly when I stepped out on the porch to get the newspaper.IMG_0783

IMG_0784Before reading the paper, I thawed out the humming bird feeder.  If you look closely to the right of the feeder, you can see that a hungry hummie promptly showed up for breakfast. IMG_0789Later,  we all drove to Susan’s, very carefully through the snow which continues to fall, for our lunch-bunch gathering.  After a champagne toast, heritage turkey soup was served, followed by bread pudding.  Susan said she was using up the Thanksgiving leftovers.  We were very happy to help with that endeavor.



Lizzie made herself comfortable on her Auntie Valerie’s lap, which only somewhat interfered with the progress of knitting Bruce’s Christmas present.

DSCN0127A perfect winter day.


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