Party! Party! Party!

Party is one of those funny words.  Political party. Party of two for dinner.  Birthday party. Party line. “Is this the party to whom I am speaking?” Lily Tomlin.  And nowadays apparently,  partying,  as heard on crime TV, can mean doing drugs.  Today at Fred Meyer’s, I heard over the address system, “Elizabeth, please meet your party in the toy department.”  Seems like a very good place to have a party to me.  I am off to one. I am seriously considering going in a naked face as Rudolph.  The dermatologist freeze-dried a little scaly spot on the end of my nose a few days ago.  IMG_0860Well, maybe not.  I can probably cover that up and avoid having to answer a lot of questions. Or I could say, “It happened in a bar — and you should see the other party.”

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