Anyone who ever looks here knows I love looking out my windows. I have done that every place I have ever lived and can remember all the views — a whitewashed plank fence and red cannas from my crib; darling children in St. Catherine’s uniforms walking to and from school on Barroilhet; a magnificent grove of redwoods on Newhall road. Looking out is the first thing I do every morning. Today, at dawn, these contrails striped the sky.
The beautiful circa 1947 original windows at 1880 have received loving care from me. Most years, I patch and paint them. But finally, I was filling wood filler with wood filler, so since PGE and Oregon Energy Trust offered a deal I couldn’t refuse, the windows are being replaced today.
After taking several bids, I went with this company .
Marshall and Kyle showed up promptly at 9 a.m. and went right to work.
All done! These ones never need painting.
But 1880 is getting painted this summer. Think I’ll choose some bright colors, but you feel free to send paint chips for consideration.
The new windows are so clean I keep thinking they’re open! And this is the first thing I saw when I looked out to the east.
I love looking out my windows.