You can say pretty much anything you want and the government can’t punish you for it. That’s the First Amendment. Your boss can fire you for what you said if it’s not good for business. That’s free enterprise.
I am happy to report that I’d never heard of that hirsute person from Louisiana or of his TV program on A&E until they fired him for things he said in an interview with GQ. Of course, since then, they have re-hired him. They discovered that pretty much the only folks who watched that show liked the things he said. Not a bit surprised by that.
Now, of course, trying to fill up airtime 24/7, media researchers now have uncovered lots of trivia about that person. For example, it seems that an old video has surfaced in which he listed the qualities a man should seek in a prospective wife. For example, she should be 15 or 16 years old. Now, you can say that in the United States of America, but you sure better not do it! Is this a great country or what!