Fine Lines

My old sofa has fine lines, so I keep on keeping it.  Judi Dench has fine lines all over her very fine face.  There is a fine line between an okay film and a fine one.  I just saw Philomena. It may not be a great film, but it is a very fine one.  Dame Judi is great.


I went with my friend Sue who was adopted seventy years ago.  I am an adoptive mother. We both think that, in our respective lives, adoption is a very fine thing, but there is always heart ache involved for someone when a mother needs to allow others to parent her child.  My daughter was the very best undeserved gift I ever received and I have always kept her real mother in my prayers with gratitude.  Funny how terms change over time.  Real mother.  Natural mother.  Biological mother.  Birth mother.  The lines between their connotations are very fine.  Recently, I have heard the term “First Mother.”  I like that one just fine.


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