Valerie had the great idea that we should eat out for a change. Organizing us and finding a moment when all five of us can gather is not an easy task — and we have never met without full attendance.
We rendezvoused at her house and then squeezed into her car for the short drive down town to Carmelle’s in the crypt of the Reed Opera House. (Not surprisingly, there was some singing in the car and later a very odd rendition of the birthday song harmonized in 4ths – and it wasn’t even anyone’s birthday. You really had to be there.)
Most pictures of us are either with me or with Georgienne as one of us takes the shot.
We all had individual pots of tea and each of us chose a different blend. I went with the Lord Bergamot. Here we are enjoying the salad/soup course. Note the ancient stone wall. Catherine, our patient waitress, took this one.
Some of us could see across the way and into the Tattoo Parlor where we were distracted by a half-naked young man getting ink. I tried to zoom in, but, alas, this is the best I could do without fear of arousing the vice squad.
We entertained a brief conversation about getting matching tats ourselves. Perhaps “BFF’s.” Maybe later.
On our way out, we went into the hat shop to look for a cloche for Susan to wear for a gig where she is scheduled to play music from the 30’s. She didn’t find one, but naturally, our hat girl Valerie did not leave bareheaded.
Our eating out was such a success. I would not be surprised if we do this more often. No need to dust off the living room furniture or put out guest towels. And, for now, we can all squeeze into one car.