On Barroilhet we had a beautiful apple tree. In my memory, it had five different varieties grafted on to it. We never sprayed it and it never had worms. But you know how memories are. I could be wrong about the worms. I do remember that, as a new housewife, I would not let a single apple go to waste. I made apple jelly, apple butter, apple sauce, apple pies, dried apples, and caramel apples for all the children in the neighborhood for trick-or-treat.
There was an ancient apple tree here at 1880 when we moved in. It had to be sprayed three times a year for about $200 a pop to keep the worms out of the fruit. In recent years I have just cut around the wormy bits to make a few apple pies. Then, a big branch fell down and we could see that the old tree had a disease going on inside. Today, John is taking it down. It will make him some excellent firewood. I will miss the blossoms in April but I’m sure I will still get a few windfall apples from Elizabeth and Fritz’s tree next door. Enough to make a pie or two.