Winter Roadtrip

Drove up (actually I was very happy to be driven up) to Timberline yesterday to play in the snow and to enjoy the amazing Skiiers’ buffet at the lodge.

Almost white-out conditions on the way up.IMG_1210

That blue-looking stuff covering the second-story window in the lodge is actually snow.


The dining room was warm and cozy


even though there were icicles outside the window next to our table.


It was hard to sample all the delicious offerings on the buffet, but I made a valiant effort, just to be polite.

Back home today, we had a nice sun break, so I dashed out to weed the asparagus bed and to start pruning the roses, of which I like to do one each day starting on Presidents’ Day.  I discovered that the Handsome Man had resigned from his weatherman duties due to a foot of snow, three inches of rain and winds rivaling Santa Anas in the last ten days.   I propped him up and assured him that spring is just around the next corner (or maybe the corner after that).

IMG_1226I also discovered that my pruning tools need sharpening.  I’m not sure I can do that myself anymore since I am ashamed to admit that I sometimes use them to cut wires so they need some serious honing.   Came inside to check the sharpener-man’s schedule at ACE.  Got sidetracked watching a DVD of an English murder mystery that the postman just delivered.  I really need to write my to-do list in ink!

Life with its joys and sorrows is good here at 1880.


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