Lula Poki Pineapple

Thank you for all the happiness you brought  into our lives, beautiful, beloved girl.null_P1000143









OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI loved all the times we spent together.  I loved being your Mama Jean.  For a little pup who was rescued from a dumpster on Maui, you were blessed by your devoted girl who gave you the very best life ever.  And you blessed all our lives.

Snowy Sunday Morning

On day four of our winter wonderland, the giant redwood has bowed under her heavy coat.IMG_1160

Other yard ornaments include:

The blue bottle tree


The rain chain


Yesterday afternoon MM and I had  an amazing trip to and from PDX to collect Katherine in heavy snowfall.  We fortified ourselves with a stop off at Burgerville on the way home.

Back at 1880, this scene followed:


Soon, we were entertained by a huge flock of robins as they stripped the pyracantha of all its berries in a drunken frenzy.



Following soup in the snug, we discovered that we were running short on sweets, so our walking-wounded, Mary-Margaret and Kobe ventured a walk across the street for treats from the corner donut shop.  It is amazing how well they are both doing.

And this morning, all services at St. P’s have been cancelled.  Who ever heard of such a thing?  Guess we may just be forced to sit in front of this all morning.


And again!

Still snowing out there!  The Handsome Man is completely  buried and so is all but two inches of the 12-inch ruler.


The roof must be warm as icicles are forming along the eaves.


Rosie prefers to keep an eye on things from her favorite window ledge.


I just took out thawed bird feeders, so there will soon be a feeding frenzy for her to watch.  That’s her favorite show.

And skiing seems to be the only way to get down Saginaw this morning.


Snowy, snowy night — and morning!

We thought this was going to be one of those snowless winters here in the Willamette Valley, but our patience paid off.  Yesterday we got our wish.  And Mary-Margaret and Katherine who live in fairer climes are going to be here to enjoy it.

I went out last night in my pajamas to take a few pictures and found Mary and Reiley across the street already out enjoying it, all bundled up on their porch swing.  You can see that their menagerie had the good sense to stay inside.


Mary-Margaret and Kobe ventured out a bit later in the wee hours and  she snapped this of our beautiful boy:


Early this morning, this was the view from my bed:



I do love my new windows!

My first task was to replace frozen humming bird and seed feeders with thawed ones.


Pretty soon it looked like an Alfred Hitchcock movie out there.

Back out front, you can see that Fritz and Elizabeth knew to leave their windshield wipers in the full upright position.

IMG_1096And could that be Dan in the background putting his clubs into the car??

He says he thinks he and Ruth will probably only get in nine holes today.


The Handsome (weather) Man says he cannot possibly be expected to measure solid precip, so I told him to take the day off.
