This is not my idea of a great semester.

Facebook is weird.  I have my privacy settings set very high and have, by choice, only a very few friends, and I have them only because they play Scrabble with me.  So, how I happened to see this post from the grandson of an acquaintance is a mystery to me.  Anyway, this twenty-year-old seems to be happy about his recent marks for his third semester at his local community college and is planning to move on to his state’s university system next year.   I do admire his efforts and positive attitude.  I guess.  He did grow up during a time when everyone who suited up got a trophy.

“Another great semester. I got a C+ in Human Biology, two A’s in both Study Skills and First Aid/CPR classes, a B- in English 100 (Composition and Reading), and two C’s in both US History and Literature classes. I was nervous at first, but I’m glad it turned out well for me during this Fall semester. I’m one step closer to moving on to a university. State U. here I come.”

2 thoughts on “This is not my idea of a great semester.

  1. Somehow I doubt that State College is going to be all that enthused about this young man’s grades. The rose colored glasses worn by the young should be basic issues to the older folks who really know what is going on. We need an occasional shot of the bliss they enjoy.

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