Gospel on Sunday was about our being told that we had been given abundant life. Not a pitiful life. Not one motivated by guilt. Maybe motivated by fun or joy. Maybe we can go workout at the gym just because we like to see friends there, not because we feel guilty if we don’t do our ab work. Maybe we can read a book just because it is a good read, not because we need to work hard at this age to keep our minds sharp. Maybe have popcorn instead of salad for dinner. Today was nothing special. Just abundant.
As usual, started out over at The Minto with Roxie where there seemed to be a party going on at the new watering hole on this exceptionally warm, sunny day. Only took a year to get the plumbing turned on. It’s even more popular than the local coffee kiosk. Actually, I would sure like to be the owner of a coffee kiosk right there next to the dog fountain.
Came home and tossed my walking shoes in the pile and went upstairs to get some sandals. I think this is a very honest picture of how I tend to organize things. No pretense here. And no guilt. I like being at a place in my life where I don’t feel that I need to set a good example all the time for any impressionable household children.
Next, I went downtown to look at a very amazing and amazingly brief art exhibit. Numerous local artists contributed works to be auctioned to benefit the local medical foundation. I really wanted this piece by Valerie’s Daughter Elizabeth Bauman, but the bids were already way over my budget.
Stopped by my favorite neighborhood junk-food place on the way home to pick up a favorite hot weather treat. Peach green tea, no calories, with lots of their soft, crunchy ice. Pure chemicals, I’m sure. Fun. No guilt. Abundant really big cup.
Came home then to this wonderful old house. It was constructed of lath and plaster, which provides excellent insulation from the heat, along with the big trees out front that shade 1880 from the afternoon sun.
You can’t tell from the front, but the house is three stories. You can just turn on the furnace fan all by itself down in the basement and it blows that cold basement air right up to the top level. Nothing special Just such a nice day. Abundant.
Yes, indeed!