Memorial Day 2014

Mother and Joannie and I have been having such a good time sorting through boxfuls of old photos.  photo

I’ll scan many of them when I get home and will have lots more soldier-boy pictures for later posts.  For now, here are a couple of repeats:



This year, we are especially remembering that Uncle George “stormed the beach” on D-Day almost exactly seventy years ago.


We will visit both his and Daddy’s graves today.

This is Daddy’s footstone,  which incorrectly states his birthdate as 1921.  His age was falsified so he could enlist.  He was just a boy when he was shipped out for the Pacific. He  was really born in 1923, as his headstone correctly states.



We will also visit the grave of family friend Frankie Grammer and do a little work there.  None of her family lives here anymore and we want to do a little sprucing up.


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