Last Day of April


Went out to Silverton Reservoir yesterday to enjoy a record-breaking high temp for that date (87 ). The lake had recently been stocked with trout so there were some fisher folk about.  Mostly paddlers, although, small electric motors are permitted, so it is always wonderfully quiet and sweet smelling.  The fishing regulations are rather specific and a bit off-putting so I have not yet bought a fishing license, instead making my contribution to the cause by purchasing invasive species permits.  On the lake itself, bait is allowed and you can catch five a day, eight inches or longer, only one of which may be over twenty inches.  If you paddle on up to the creek, you can only use artificial flies and lures.  Most people seem to catch and release. I generally just stop by the fishmonger’s on the way home and pick up a nice fish to fry up for dinner.

Most interesting thing yesterday was seeing this very unique homemade vessel and chatting with its craftsman.  This was just his first-of-the season voyage to check out the equipment.  Said he was putting in on the Columbia today.
