One Saturday evening, we took a drive to the south through some beautiful country.
Saw some interesting man-made things, old and new.
Only one petro-boom photo here. That topic gets its own post.
Met up with some dear friends who treated us to a delicious meal at a superb restaurant in Marfa.
Their adorable boys, Jeremiah and Zechariah, had just polished off their creme brûlées and were sporting the caps I had brought them. They share a lot of things, but not dessert.
Marfa is the County Seat of Presidio County which has a beautiful courthouse, as do so many small county seats in Texas.Also an interesting county jail:
Saw this inmate in his pajamas doing a little landscaping work.
On the drive home, we were blessed by this amazing sunset. Amazing sunsets in the Great Chihuahuan Desert are commonplace, but I am always blown away. Surely makes you think the Second Coming might be imminent.