A Couple of Things I Still Just Don’t Get


#1.  The Salem Art Fair


I like it all right.  I just don’t love it, unlike at least 50,000 people who descend on Bush’s Pasture Park every July to peruse over 200 crafty booths and sample the carnival  food at 50 vendors’ tents.

I do always go, but after I’ve at looked at maybe five or six booths, I just zone out.





I generally do this on my way home from working in St. P’s food booth, which I actually really love doing, even though I’m sure if we divided our net profit by the number of human hours we’d discover that we’d all worked for about 25¢ per hour.



You always get to work with the nicest people on the face of the earth in a church kitchen, even a makeshift kitchen in a park on a hot summer day.

“Hot summer day” is my segue to the second thing I just don’t get.

#2. Convertibles.

I ask you, what is fun about driving around with the sun beating down on you, grit and wind blowing in your face, and traffic noise? 


Life is not a Rom-Com, more’s the pity.


So, if you come by for me with the top down, I’ll tell you that I just realized I need to take my own car and will meet you there  —  after I’ve driven over in the air conditioned Subaru with the windows closed.

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