There are so many tempting, interesting looking things at Pier 1, but, trust me, you do not need most of them. In fact, I think fully 75% of that store could be in a department called “Things You Do Not Need.” I was in there today returning something I bought yesterday that I do not need and thought better of it.
So many pretty things. Some I could actually use if I didn’t already have everything I need. I do love to walk through all the aisles just looking, so I decided to take some pictures of things nobody needs. Some of them I don’t even know what they are!
And my personal favorite:
These are little jelly balls made of something or other and scented with something or other. Numerous smells are available. The entire concept is lost on me. I did see a really cute apron I liked a lot, but I really don’t need an apron, especially one that has no bib and would just protect my lap.