Cheryl MacDonald Thanos: May 8, 1947 – August 14, 2014

I lost my dear friend Cheryl last week.  We lived next door to each other for many years while we were raising our children.  We could always remember exactly when we met because I moved next door when my children had chickenpox and she was in the hospital having Michael.  He turned forty this year, so this was the fortieth anniversary of our friendship.  I took over a casserole when she came home from the hospital but stood way back as I handed it over so as not to spread the pox. She was the mother of three when we met, but she still looked much as she did in this picture, which, I’m guessing was published to announce her engagement.


She and I shared so many ups and downs, always doing anything we could for each other in hard times.  I remember when I had to move away.  I just fell into her arms sobbing.  She said, “You can do this.”  She was a petite, fragile looking little thing, but she was very strong and shared that strength with me many times.

I saw her for the last time last year when we met up at a favorite place for a happy dinner. I knew she was very sick, but she showed up looking great, as she always did.


Miss you, Sweetie.

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