
When did this get to be a major feast day?  Everybody dresses up nowadays, not just little children and not just in creative finds from mom and dad’s closet.  A man in my Citizenship class of very modest means said he spent about $100 at Walmart on costumes for his three children.

I must admit I love this charming arachnid outfit my neighbor Burt created for his adorable Farris:



Late that afternoon, Dave and I were driving back from a paddle where we enjoyed many waterfalls and lots of fall color.  With Dave, it’s always about lovely country roads.  Several of the small towns we drove through on the way home seem to have a custom of down town trick-or-treating. Had a good time stuck in gridlock in Silverton watching the dressed-up folks.  We were very lucky to get stuck right next to Silverton’s long-time and very popular tranny mayor, Stu Rasmussen, taking pictures of everyone.  Stu is always dressed up.


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