Joy Cometh in the Morning*

Why is it that things that seem so manageable in the light of day are so scary in the middle of the night?  Why on earth at 3 a.m. would one worry whether one’s Social Security check will hit the bank in time to cover the automatic withdrawal for one’s PBS contribution?

But then, day breaks, you get up and look out and see that morning gilds the sky  .  .  .


.  .  .  and it’s all good.  Open the shutters. See the humming bird having his breakfast. Get a cup of coffee.  Get back in bed and make a list of things that can readily be dealt with. Work on the crossword a bit.

I am an early riser, but I do love not having to hit the ground running most mornings.  Hitting the ground at a more leisurely pace is such a delight.   Especially since actual running is not really an option.  A nice walk to the library or the post office is a much better plan and is often on the list.

*Psalm 30:5 KJV

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