Nous sommes vraiment désolé.

Not every country has freedom of expression.  We do.  France does.  It is totally beside the point that much of what is depicted in Charlie Hebdo offends my sensibilities.


Unknown charlie-hebdo-cover-image-jesus

And these are just a couple of G-rated ones.

Jeeze!  A lot of what I read in The Onion challenges my sensibilities.


And that’s okay.  In fact it’s great.  Your right to freedom of expression trumps my limited sensibilities.  Every single time.

I no longer claim to know very much about the god I grew up thinking I knew so well, let alone the god that others turn to.  But I know this:  No god is offended by cartoons or condones slaughter.  No god.

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes tous Charlie.

January 1, 2015

Typically, each new year, I come up with a secret motto to follow during the year.  For example, one year it was to have a heart full of gratitude.   This year, I haven’t quite made up my mind, but I’m giving a lot of thought to this:


Also typically, I empty the rain gauge on the first of the month.  However, this morning, looks like I’ll need for things to warm up a bit.IMG_2487



I think I will take things into my own hands in regard to the hummingbird feeder.  Hummingbirds can be a bit impatient.
