Total Randomness

The end of February brings a convergence of states of mind, states of weather and States.

Here in Oregon, we see our beautiful snowy mountains in the distance.


And early spring here in the valley.


Some of my other States are having unusual wintery weather.  Here is a shot taken yesterday in the small town in Oklahoma where I was born almost exactly 72 years ago.  The legend is that it was a very wintery day as well.  Also part of the legend is that all my extended family managed to get to the hospital to welcome their new-born babe.  It’s what families do.


And yesterday from my college campus in Texas, this iconic shot was posted.


Another iconic picture was posted by an old high school friend of his ranch this week, obviously, also in Texas.Snow, Windmill, steer in Texas 02 27 15

In yet another state, in a warmer clime on a rock out in the middle of the Pacific, my birthday girl will be celebrating her natal anniversary this very day.  She is always a warm ray of sunshine.10170828_10203568453597058_8566693949313674359_n 10007009_10153898010880332_964868375_n



Sex in Oregon

Well, I guess our recently departed governor had to resign largely because of his obsession with an unfortunate choice, who is locally referred to as the First Ho.

kitz-fingerSupposedly, among her other many transgressions, she was the cause of his waffling about the inevitable resignation.


Our next governor’s bio tells us that she is bisexual, presently married to a man.

Headlines describe our speaker of the house as “the first openly lesbian speaker.”

Oh, my!  Definitely TMI for me.

I wonder if there will come a time when publicity disclosures will say something such as, “Possible Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is a post-menopausal, heterosexual woman, currently celibate, as she is married to Bill Clinton, who, it is rumored, now suffers from age-related impotence.”

Just do your jobs folks, and spare me the intimate details.

Silly Hallmark Holiday

I always feel so sad when I see young men scrambling around Freddy’s filling up a basket with heart-shaped boxes of candy, useless red or black panties and bras, wine, flowers, and sometimes jewelry.  Am I forgetting anything?  They look very nervous as if they are afraid they are forgetting something. Is it about love?  Is it about sex?  Is it about affection? They mostly look pretty miserable to me.

And trust me, nobody, I mean nobody, wants these:

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I used to leave a surprise on Ellen’s front porch on most holidays when she was the old lady on our block.  Now I am the old lady on our block!  I am honored to follow such a one as Ellen.  But since she is gone, I will spend the day pruning the roses.

One year, MM and I went a little crazy — and had a lot of fun.  She was at Berkeley and drove across the Bay so we could produce the following:SCAN0129

We are soooooo over our Martha Stewart silliness nowadays.

Big man. Big ideas. Big words. Big truths.

This week “my” Citizenship class  has been studying Abraham Lincoln.  Today is his actual birthday. Here, a hundred and fifty years later, it is hard to separate the man from the myth.

I contend that myths often portray greater truths than bare facts can, truths that are not bound by a particular moment.  Did he really say this?  Doesn’t really matter.  It was truth, then and, ominously, it rings true today.  Honest Abe.

Prospective American citizens have to be able to speak and write English and this old English teacher loves teaching a bit of vocab.  Sometimes the words are hard:
emancipation:  the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation, for example, the emancipation of feminist ideas or the freeing of someone from slavery.
proclamation:  a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance, for example, Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Alaska to the Union.