Sex in Oregon

Well, I guess our recently departed governor had to resign largely because of his obsession with an unfortunate choice, who is locally referred to as the First Ho.

kitz-fingerSupposedly, among her other many transgressions, she was the cause of his waffling about the inevitable resignation.


Our next governor’s bio tells us that she is bisexual, presently married to a man.

Headlines describe our speaker of the house as “the first openly lesbian speaker.”

Oh, my!  Definitely TMI for me.

I wonder if there will come a time when publicity disclosures will say something such as, “Possible Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is a post-menopausal, heterosexual woman, currently celibate, as she is married to Bill Clinton, who, it is rumored, now suffers from age-related impotence.”

Just do your jobs folks, and spare me the intimate details.

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