Sundays, television, and old women holding forth

Why is it that the only things I like to watch on television come on at the same times?  Sunday nights come to mind.  And the talking-heads shows on Sunday mornings, which require a lot of fast channel switching.

This can be confusing, but I’m pretty sure I just heard the Speaker of the House say that he grew up in a bar and learned everything he knows there.  I’m guessing that was an attempt at humor on his part.  Not very funny.  Neither was his rude gesture to a reporter this week who very courteously asked him a question he did not like.  A little class goes a long way.

You work for me, for heaven’s sake, and you’re standing in front of my flag!  I’m sure your mother did the best job she could, but someone needs to give you a serious talking-to.  Nice tan, though.


Then I heard Dianne Feinstein.  She responded to every question with clarity, courage, conviction, articulateness, strength, and appropriate respect to the American people who are always watching.


I do not agree with everything anyone says, but I do not like to be embarrassed by our leaders.

About the flag:  For several years, I hesitated to fly the American flag from my front porch for fear folks would think it meant I was of a particular political ilk.  Then, I decided to reclaim my flag.    You will see it proudly displayed in front of 1880 on federal holidays.  Other times, I fly the Oregon state flag, the flag of the Choctaw nation, the flag of  Oklahoma,  the PACE flag I brought back from Italy, my holiday Peace on Earth flag in December, and my Big Blue Marble flag.   Assume of me what you will.



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