I know you aren’t supposed to say anything if you can’t say something nice, but: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Guggenheim? Why? It’s just so basic that form should follow function and not just be eccentric. Okay. Okay. So I am a bit provincial, but I had just come from the very user-friendly Met where you could never take it all in. Then on to wandering around in circles at the Gugg trying to find things to see and finding that most of the space had been given over to a huge, non-visual exhibit that can seriously only be described as a collection of printed minutia collected over a lifetime by a man who was a hoarder and had entirely too much time on his hands.
Ah well, I did love the early Picassos.The Ironer was my personal favorite.
Loved this charming Manet, “Before the Mirror.”
Not to worry should one have a sinker. Food is always near by.
Must dash out now for MOMA, which I’m sure will not disappoint.
And just a quick mention of last night’s play “It’s Only a Play,”for which we had excellent seats and loved seeing all these folks up close and personal:
Times Square is always a party.