Small Room and a Man of the Cosmos

I love my comfortable, small, completely-equipped room here in Mid-Town.  Not spending much time there, of course; but, I have had time to observe the faith/cultural community located in my view just across the street — The Sutton Place Synagogue.  Loved watching parents with million-dollar strollers or taxis delivering their delivering their precious passengers to the nursery school where I could see through the fourth floor windows, teachers welcoming them.

Finally had a moment this morning, after reading the SJ online, to check out their website.  So many activities and services going on there.  I found this link particularly interesting:


If I were not headed out to MOMA this morning, I just might join them for Tot Shabat this Sabbath morning.  On Shabat, the school windows are all shuttered, but you can see where city children play on the rooftop in nice weather.




Bright, bright sunshiny day.

Started out with a walk around the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir in Central Park.  It was beautifully iced over and everyone was out walking dogs or jogging.IMG_2673Then across the street to the Metropolitan Museum of art.

IMG_2677I always thought it was silly to take pictures of pictures, but I took a few today.

For Mother:



For Joannie:

IMG_2684For Katherine:



For my island girls:



Resting up now for the theatre tonight.  Jersey Boys.  Guggenheim tomorrow.



Is this a great country or what?

I pretty much hate flying.  I’m not afraid of flying. It’s just such a hassle and I do so love road trips.  But sometimes, you just have to do it, and today’s flight was perfect.

I love looking out the plane window.  This morning, all of a sudden when I looked down, I knew I was looking at possibly my favorite place on the face of the earth — The Black Canyon of the Gunnison.  I had never seen it from way up there before.  You can sprinkle my ashes there, way down at East Portal.


I was still recovering from that when I saw the incredible snow-covered Rockies from a point of view no human can really take in all at once.   It’s enough to make you believe in God.


Later, as we were descending, the setting sun lit up the Statue of Liberty. Sentimental fool that I am, I thought of my Citizenship students.  They asked me to bring back pictures of Miss Liberty and Ellis Island.  When I saw her,  said to myself, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free  .  .  .  I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  I do not pretend to know the answers to our immigration issues, but I know my students will be such good citizens.  I hope I am holding just a small lamp for them.


Traveling is a very good thing, even if sometimes you have to fly. It’s amazing what you can see from up there.

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Our new governor moved into her official house this week and this amazing tulip magnolia burst into bloom out front to welcome her.  Roxie and I stopped to admire it on our walk just now and introduced ourselves.  Everyone is outside and no one is complaining about the May weather.
